SignatureSatori News: App Update Autumn 2021

SignatureSatori News: App Update Autumn 2021

Better connection with Google Workspace, stronger payment security, signature HTML download, and more!

Signature HTML download

One of the advantages of SignatureSatori is that you don’t have to deal with specific user signatures. But sometimes it still may be necessary to access them e.g. for archival purposes or while setting up signatures outside Gmail.


You can now view and download the HTML code of the last signature set to the user from SignatureSatori. Simply go to Users & Set-up, click on the ⋮ on the very right of the screen and choose Download/View HTML.


Signature HTML download settings

Payment security with 3D Secure 2

Online privacy and security is the single most important aspect of our work and we strive to achieve and maintain the highest possible standards for our clients. One of the biggest advancements we introduced is 3D Secure 2, an authentication protocol protecting credit and debit card transactions against payment fraud.

3D2D secure logo


Make Your Work Emails Stand Out

A sharp tool that lets you simply craft email signatures for your entire organization.
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